CNSATM-INITIAL: Basic TrainingC-VOICE: ATS Voice over IP C-DATALINK: ATC and AOC Datalink servicesC-AMHS: ATS Message handling SystemC-DATA: Air Navigation Data CommunicationsC-AFTN: the AFTN networkC-TRANSMISSION: Transmission Means (Microwaves, Optical Fiber rings)C-RECORDERN-GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite Systems (SBAS and GBAS)N-PBN: implementing Performance Based NavigationS-GEN: Surveillance systems S-MLAT: Multilateration systemsS-ASMGCS: Advanced-Surface Movement Guidance and Control SystemS-ADS: ADS systemsCNSATM-GEN: Air Navigation CNS/ATM systemsCNSATM-DPS: Data processing systems in ATMSAF-SM: Safety ManagementCER-VVC: Verification, Validation and Certification processesLEARN MORE ABOUT US!We offer a huge variety of CNS/ATM courses. Please contact us for more information.CONTACT USSubscribe to Blog via Email Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address Subscribe