Initial Training precedes the System/Equipment Rating Training. It includes Basic Training and Qualification Training.

Basic Training.

Training designed to impart fundamental knowledge of the CNS/ATM environment and skills applicable to all learner ATSEPs.

Qualification Training.

Training designed to impart domain related knowledge and skills appropriate to the qualification stream to be pursued in the CNS/ATM environment.

Four specialised domains have been identified. They are Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Data Processing. In addition a group of generic subjects were identified that are applicable to all ATSEPs.

13 streams have been identified and represent generic profiles built according to the ATSEP roles.

The streams here described are:

  • COM – Voice Stream
  • COM – Data Stream
  • NAV – Performance Based navigation
  • NAV – NDB Stream
  • NAV – DF Stream
  • NAV – VOR Stream
  • NAV – DME Stream
  • NAV – ILS Stream
  • NAV – GNSS Stream
  • SUR – PSR Stream
  • SUR – SSR Stream
  • SUR – ADS Stream
  • DAT – DP Stream

In a minimum of one specialized technical domain, ATSEPs are trained for one or more streams that correspond with the system/s and equipment that they will eventually work with.

At the end of Qualification Training a learner ATSEP shall have the ability to identify and solve generic but realistic problems related to an area of expertise. The learner ATSEP should be able to act efficiently when faced with a set of scenarios. These scenarios are mastered because the ATSEP has acquired the required knowledge and the ability to use this knowledge at an appropriate time and in a relevant manner.

GAELICAM has developed a course titled ‘CNSATM-INITIAL: Basic Training’ that covers all the modules identified in the specification for Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel (ATSEP) training:





Duration: 4-6 weeks

Module 1: Introduction to ATM (Air Traffic Management).
Module 2: Familiarization with ATC (Air Traffic Control).
Module 3: Aeronautical Information Services (AIS).
Module 4: Meteorology.
Module 5: CNS services.
Module 6: Communications (C).
Module 7: Navigation (N).
Module 8: Surveillance (S).
Module 9: Data processing (DP).
Module 10: Monitoring and control of CNS/ATM system.
Module 11: Maintenance procedures.
Module 12: Energy and air conditioning.



We offer a huge variety of CNS/ATM courses. Please contact us for more information.

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