Surveillance is a key part of ATM. Radar, the mainstay of surveillance for many years, is now being supplemented by a variety of newer techniques such as ADS-B and multilateration. The key words for the future of surveillance are “performance” and “interoperability”.

GAELICAM offers courses covering the principles of both traditional and new surveillance techniques:

S-GEN: Surveillance systems.

This course provides and overview of all existing surveillance systems covering Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR), Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR, MSSR), Surface Primary Radar (SMR), Mode-S radar, ADS and multilateration systems.

It also covers the Surveillance Data Distribution from detection to plot output.

Find here the link to the S-GEN brochure

S-ADS: ADS systems.

This course provides an overview of ADS systems (Automatic Dependent Surveillance) contract mode (ADS-C) and broadcast mode (ADS-B out and ADS-B in).

ADS-C systems are used to send automatically requested information (aircraft position, identification,…) using datalink communications while ADS-B information (collected from the avionics) is transmitted to ground systems and other aircrafts using the 1090 MHz extended squitter.

Find here the link to the S-ADS brochure

S-MLAT: Multilateration systems.

This course provides an overview of multilateration systems (cooperative independent surveillance) covering both existing techniques (Local Area Multilateration – LAM and Wide Are Multilateration – WAM and the associated Surveillance Performance.

Find here the link to the S-MLAT brochure

S-ASMGCS: Advanced-Surface Movement Guidance and Control System.

This course provides an overview of A-SMGCS (Advanced-Surface Movement Guidance and Control System) systems and the associated Surveillance Performance.

A-SMGCS systems provides traffic information about vehicle position in the area and identity of the cooperative vehicles. It also maintains the airport in a safely operation mode in all visibility conditions and even during the night.

Find here the link to the S-ASMGCS_brochure


We offer a huge variety of CNS/ATM courses. Please contact us for more information.

We offer a huge variety of CNS/ATM courses. Please contact us for more information.

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