GAELICAM Team has a very large experience developing and delivering other CNS/ATM courses with a very clear ANSP orientation:

  • Development and delivery of the IANS (Institute of Air Navigation Services) COM-AMHS (‘Aeronautical Message Handling systems’) course at IANS since 2006.
  • Development and delivery of the ‘PENS module’ of the IANS COM-DATA (Aeronautical Communications) course at IANS since 2010.
  • Development and delivery of current IANS COM-VOICE course (‘Towards Voice over IP in Aeronautical Communications’) at IANS since 2013.
  • Contributions to the IANS ‘COM-DATALINK’ course.
  • Development and delivery of the “ATC COMMUNICATIONS FOR AIR NAVIGATION SYSTEMS” course for SENASA (Spanish Air Navigation Training Centre) since 2005 with the objective of training Aena’s Engineering and Maintenance personnel covering all the range of ATC communications.
  • Development and delivery of the course titled “AIR NAVIGATION CNS/ATM SYSTEMS” with the objective of performing the training of Aena’s staff (Engineering, Technical and/or Maintenance) involved in ATM business on current and future Air Navigation CNS/ATM systems (‘Communications, Navigation, Surveillance / Air Traffic Management’).
  • Other more specific courses developed by GAELICAM team for different aeronautical stakeholders have been:
    • Air Navigation Data Communications.
    • Air Navigation Voice communications.
    • Strategy for the evolution of CNS/ATM systems.
    • AFTN network.
    • Transmission Means (Microwaves, Optical Fiber rings).
    • Satellite Navigation Systems.
    • Navigation and Surveillance Systems.
    • Surveillance: ADS systems.
    • Surveillance: Multilateration systems.
    • Surveillance: A-SMGCS (Advanced-Surface Movement Guidance and Control System).
    • Surveillance: Mode S radar.
  • Contributions for the development of some IANS courses such as:
    • COM-Intro: a basic introduction to telecommunication and networking technologies for air/ground voice and data, and ground/ground voice and data communications
    • COM-DATA: an overview of all COM technologies and applications used in ATC;
    • COM-ATN-I: An in-depth technical overview of ATN and ICAO mobile sub network technologies
    • COM-ATN-Overview: An overview of ATN technology
    • COM-OPS: AN operational overview of all ATC applications using ACARS and ATN based technologies
    • NAV-GNSS: An in depth presentation of navigation technologies and satellite navigation technologies used in the ATC world;
    • SUR-Mode S: An in depth overview of the Mode S technology:
    • ATM-GEN-INTRO: A contribution presenting the CNS technologies used in ATM systems
    • ATM-GEN-FUT: A contribution presenting European CNS Strategy to meet future ATM needs.


We offer a huge variety of CNS/ATM consultancy services. Please contact us for more information.

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